Diary November 23, 1916

Major Lanoe G Hawker
Major Lanoe G Hawker shot down three German aircraft with a carabiner from his Bristol Scout and received the Victoria Cross.
World War One Diary for Thursdday, November 23, 1916:

Air War

Western Front: Richthofen kills Major Lanoe Hawker (Victoria Cross, 9 victories), RFC after epic 35­-minutes duel near Bapaume; the ‘Red Baron’s’ 11th victory. RFC ranges 163 targets. No 25 Squadron FE2bs including Captain Tedder (future Marshal of RAF) repulse 20 German fighters (2 crashed), 4 other German aircraft shot down and 3 damaged.

Eastern Front

Romania: Mackensen crosses Danube at 0400 hours in thick mist on 32-mile front between Islatz and Zimnitza with 40 battalions and 188 guns against 18 battalions with 48 guns. Austrians build pontoon bridge by 1800 hours on November 25.
Prezan replaces lliescu as Rumanian CoS and effective C­-in-C.


Greece: Provisional Government at Salonika declares war on Germany and Bulgaria.

Home Fronts

Austria: New Emperor Charles’ proclamation to Peoples, announces imminent coronation as King of Hungary.
New Zealand: First conscrip­tion ballot.

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