Diary November 23, 1918

Italian columns move past
Italian columns move past material left behind by the Austro-Hungarian army. The Skoda 149 mm howitzers captured in large numbers become part of the standard armament of Italian artillery in World War II.
World War One Diary for Saturday, November 23, 1918:

Southern Fronts

Austria: Italians occupy Innsbruck and Landeck (Tyrol).

Western Front

BEF GHQ lays down guidelines for Cologne bridgehead ‘… Tactical features will be prepared for defence, trenches dug, wire entanglements
erected … No more damage should be done to houses, trees, etc, than is absolutely necessary for military reasons’.

Germany: Death of General F Below, army commander since 1915, at Weimar aged 65.

Eastern Front

Galicia: Poles capture Lemberg.
Estonia: Provisional Government at Reval.
Don: Cossacks briefly take Liski rail junction (50 miles south of Voronezh) from Red Eighth Army.
Siberia: ­Kolchak proclaims ‘only the armed forces … offer salvation’.

Home Fronts

Britain: Lloyd George says Government’s task to make ‘a country fit for heroes to live in’. League football resumes.
Hungary: Electoral law adopted.

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