Southern Fronts
Austria: Italians occupy Innsbruck and Landeck (Tyrol).
Western Front
BEF GHQ lays down guidelines for Cologne bridgehead ‘… Tactical features will be prepared for defence, trenches dug, wire entanglements
erected … No more damage should be done to houses, trees, etc, than is absolutely necessary for military reasons’.
Germany: Death of General F Below, army commander since 1915, at Weimar aged 65.
Eastern Front
Galicia: Poles capture Lemberg.
Estonia: Provisional Government at Reval.
Don: Cossacks briefly take Liski rail junction (50 miles south of Voronezh) from Red Eighth Army.
Siberia: ÂKolchak proclaims ‘only the armed forces … offer salvation’.
Home Fronts
Britain: Lloyd George says Government’s task to make ‘a country fit for heroes to live in’. League football resumes.
Hungary: Electoral law adopted.