Western Front
Last German troops recross Belgian frontier; French cross German frontier. Lieutenant-General Fergusson appointed British Military Governor of Cologne. Foch reviews his old 39th Division on Place de l’Hotel de Ville at Metz where General Maud’huy, a native, named first French military governor since 1870.
Eastern Front
Sovnarkom decrees science and arts’ nationalization. Allied declaration defines their Russian relations.
Southern Russia: ÂAllied troops land at Odessa. Allied Fleet takes Russian Black Sea Fleet remnants at Sevastopol plus 4 U-boats (500 Royal Marines land).
Northern Russia: 3 British battalions land at Murmansk.
Sea War
Black Sea: Allied Fleet arrives at Odessa and Sevastopol to take surrender of 4 U-boats (former ConstantiÂnople Flotilla) and German-owned Russian warships including 6 submarines. All Turk and Russian warships accounted for by December 5 (announcement).
Britain: 5 laid down light cruisers cancelled.