Diary November 26, 1918

German troops marching back on the Rhine bridge
German troops marching back on the Rhine bridge of Cologne.
World War One Diary for Tuesday, November 26, 1918:

Western Front

Last German troops recross Belgian frontier; French cross German frontier. Lieutenant-General Fergusson appointed British Military Governor of Cologne. Foch reviews his old 39th Division on Place de l’Hotel de Ville at Metz where General Maud’huy, a native, named first French military governor since 1870.

Eastern Front

Sovnarkom decrees science and arts’ nationalization. Allied declaration defines their Russian relations.
Southern Russia: ­Allied troops land at Odessa. Allied Fleet takes Russian Black Sea Fleet remnants at Sevastopol plus 4 U-boats (500 Royal Marines land).
Northern Russia: 3 British battalions land at Murmansk.

Sea War

Black Sea: Allied Fleet arrives at Odessa and Sevastopol to take surrender of 4 U-boats (former Constanti­nople Flotilla) and German-owned Russian warships including 6 submarines. All Turk and Russian warships accounted for by December 5 (announcement).
Britain: 5 laid down light cruisers cancelled.

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