Air War
Britain: 7 of 10 Zeppelins raid Northern England, drop 206 bombs (41 civilian casualties), but 2 Zeppelins lost to 40 defence sorties (record so far). Second Lieutenant V Pyott of No 36 Squadron RFC in BE2 shoots down L34 (Dietrich) off Hartlepool with 71 rounds mixed incendiary/ball ammunition from his Lewis gun, 20 crew all killed (night November 27-28). RNAS Flt Sub-Lts E Cadbury and E Pulling shoot down L21 (Frankenberg) after chase to 8 miles off Lowestoft.
Eastern Front
Rumania: Falkenhayn’s Alpenkorps captures Curtea de Arges and 41st Division Slatina on river Aluta. Bulgarian troops of Mackensen take Giurgevo on Danube.
USA: Federal Reserve Bank cautions member banks against further buying of belligerents’ war bonds.
Britain: Anglo-FrenchÂ-Italian wheat Executive formed in London.