Diary November 6, 1918

American soldiers with French FT-17
American soldiers with French FT-17 tanks are advancing.
World War One Diary for Wednesday, November 6, 1918:

Western Front

Meuse – US 1st DIVISION REACHES SEDAN: traffic halted on key Mezieres­-Montmedy railway; only line to Western Front still available south of Ardennes; 4 German armies are virtually cut off. Army Group Gallwitz ordered to retire to Antwerp-Meuse position. Groener warns Chancellor: ‘… even Monday will be too late [for an armistice], it must be Saturday at the latest’.
Scheldt – Canadians enter Belgium, forcing Rivers Aunelle and Honelle north of Valenciennes­-Mons road; they take 1,750 PoWs from 7 German divisions (November 1­-8).
Sambre: British Third Army makes very limited advances owing to Seventeenth Army rearguards and repeated shelling of river crossings; added to heavy rain, bad roads and limited room for manoeuvre.
Oise­ and Aisne: French recapture Vervins and Rethel.
Lorraine­: Foch decides to attack as soon as possible and assigns troops from US Second Army.

Eastern Front

USSR: Lenin tells 6th Soviet Congress ‘Germany has caught fire, and Austria is burning out of control.’
Caspian: 5 Royal Navy ships reach Petrovsk (Northern Caucasus) to fetch Bicherakov.

Middle East

Syria: French High Commissioner in Syria and Armenia, Picot, lands at Beirut.
Georgia: 15th Bavarian Jaegers begin 4-month march home via Ukraine.


Serbia: King Peter re-enters Belgrade.
Rumania: Marghiloman Government resigns at Jassy, General Coanda succeeds.

Home Fronts

Austria: Emperor formally demobilize armed forces.
Britain: Lloyd George lunches and dines ministers; they agree to call General Election.
Germany: A dozen sailors persuade all 12,000 workers at Hamburg’s Blohm&Voss shipyard to down tools.

Conflict of Nations - World War III

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