Germany: BAVARIA DECLARED REPUBLIC by Prussian Jew Kurt Eisner at Munich as King Ludwig III flees into Austria (formally deposed November 8, ‘abdicates’ November 16).
Switzerland: Yugoslav Conference at Geneva decides on joint government.
Home Fronts
Germany: Majority Socialists demand Kaiser and Prime Minister’s abdication by noon November 8, resign from Reichstag and call General Strike for November 8. DemobilizaÂtion Office set up. General Linsingen in command of Brandenburg forbids Soviets. Sailors seize Cologne despite 45,000Â-strong garrison.
USA: False armistice celebrated in New York due to erroneous UP dispatch.
Britain: Labour Ministry forms Civil DemobilizaÂtion and Resettlement Department. Churchill announces munitions ‘carry on at reduced speed’ (not less than halftime on November 9, in force November 11).
AlsaceÂ: Pro-French demo at Strasbourg.
Western Front
France: Germans radio Foch with names of armistice envoys, (leave Spa at noon) he stipulates they must come to Forest of Compiegne. Haig orders that on November 8th ‘The Fourth, Third and First Armies should continue their present operations … reaching the line Avesnes-Maubeuge-Mons (Avesnes road): advanced guards and mounted troops should then be pushed forward beyond … to keep touch with the enemy … the Fifth and Second Armies … with the Flanders Group of Armies should on the 11th November … force a passage of the Scheldt and then drive the enemy back over the river Dendre.’
Record of 190,564 US soldiers in 23 hospitals and 21 hospital trains. French Army has 185 hospital trains (8 in 1914).
SambreÂ: British advance 5 miles through Avesnes and Bavai to Haumont, 3 miles west of Maubeuge.
Scheldt: German artillery ‘hate shoot’ on Oudenarde, heavy civilian casualties. At 1915 hours Petain cables ‘.. Reserve Army Group is to support the British right wing, making its principal effort by the Chimay gap [before Givet on Meuse]; Centre Army Group is to secure Mezieres, Charleville and Sedan and establish bridgehead on the Meuse’.
Meuse and ArgonneÂ: US 29th Division and French 10th Colonial Division meet on Borne de Cornoiuller (15,000 US casualties since Septembet 26) above Meuse after fighting since November 3. US Third Army formed.
Southern Fronts
Serbia: Franchet d’Esperey and Serb Crown Prince enter Belgrade under triumphal arches and meet Karolyi’s Hungarian delegation which left Budapest on November 5, hand them the armistice terms.
AustriaÂ: Austrians inform Italians that elements of II Bavarian Corps approaching Brenner Pass.
Middle East
Allenby makes Anglo-French declaration of Eastern Peoples’ liberation from Turk oppression.
Syria: Yilderim and Seventh Army HQs closed, Kemal recalled to ConstantinoÂple, Nihad Pasha in command of Second Army takes over.
Sea War
North Sea: Harwich Force sorties (until November 8) but cannot prevent some German steamers interning themselves in Holland by sailing in Dutch territorial waters. First Sea Lord Admiral Sir R Wemyss made British Naval Representative for Armistice talks. Beatty writes ‘The Fleet, my Fleet, is brokenÂhearted [at being denied battle], but are still wonderful, the most wonderful thing in creation.’