Diary October 12, 1918

Pic from a British propaganda leaflet
Pic from a British propaganda leaflet dropped over the German lines: a jovial German PoW savouring one of the delights of captivity.
World War One Diary for Saturday, October 12, 1918:

Western Front

Germany: Hindenburg warns troops that favourable armistice terms depend on.successful resitance. OHL sanctions Sixth Army retirement (begins early October 15). Mudra replaces O Below (recalled to Germany to organize home defence) in command of Seventeenth Army. Eberhardt takes over Mudra’s First Army.
Meuse and Argonne: Pershing transfers First Army to Liggett.
Artois: British First Army reaches Douai suburbs but is checked by German flooding.


Germany: Government accepts Wilson conditions (message of October 11 received on October 12).
Luxembourg: Government begs Wilson to protect her rights.
Britain: Government recognizes Polish National Army (in France) as an ally.

Home Fronts

USA: 11,724 Army flu cases in past 24 hours, total since September 13 are 234,868 (338,257 cases and c.17,000 deaths by December 1). Wilson attends Metropoli­tan Opera for Queen Margherita’s Fund for the Blinded Soldiers of Italy.
Britain: Lloyd George given list of rebels and revolutionaries, includes Sylvia Pankhurst, GDH Cole and unions.
Germany: Ex­-Interior Minister Delbruck replaces Berg as Kaiser’s civil cabinet chief.
Austria: In Transylvania Rumanian National Party demands recognition as administration.

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