Diary October 21, 1917

March of American soldiers
March of American soldiers to the French Western Front.
World War One Diary for Sunday, October 21, 1917:

Western Front

Lorraine – US TROOPS ENTER LINE: US 1st Division joins French in Luneville sector. Each American unit of the division is attached to an equal French unit.

Eastern Front

Baltic Provinces: Germans land on mainland Estonia at Verder opposite Moon Island, but repulsed 8 miles north and 8 miles south on October 23; claim 20,130 PoWs and 141 guns since October 12 for 54 killed.
Russian Southwest Front: 84,948 officers and men on committees.

Southern Fronts

Serbia: Bulgars and Germans again shell Monastir.
Italian Front: Cadorna cables British DMO Major-General Maurice ‘The attack is coming but I am confident of being able to meet it.’


East Africa: Hanforce saves Lukuledi prison and pushes Kraut 2 miles south rewards Ndanda, but retires north back to Ruponda from October 22 to November 7.

Sea War

North Sea: Dover Patrol shells Ostend; monitors Erebus and Terror (off Dunkirk) survive total of 4 torpedo hits (from 3 German torpedo boats) thanks to bulge protection.

Conflict of Nations - World War III

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