Diary October 21, 1918

Italian C-in-C General Armando Diaz
The new Italian C-in-C General Armando Diaz (right), appointed after the defeat of Caporetto, succeeded in reorganising the Italian army and improving morale by making various concessions to the soldiers.
World War One Diary for Monday, October 21, 1918:

Southern Fronts

Italian Front: Diaz’s final orders for upcoming offensive stress aim ‘to separate the Austrian forces on the Trentino from those on the Piave’.
Bulgaria: British 26th Division arrives by rail (until October 23) at Mustapha Pasha on Bulgar-Turk frontier west of Adrianople where garrison of only 1 battalion with 2 guns.

Sea War

Irish Sea: Last merchant ship (coaster Saint Bareham, 8 lives lost) sunk by U-boat in British home waters.
Britain: Beatty insists to War Cabinet meeting on German Fleet’s surrender as well as all U-boats and Heligoland.

Air War

Germany: 7 DH9As (No 100 Squadron) lost from daylight Frankfurt raid (4 lost to fighters).

Home Fronts

Germany: Ludendorff approves Scheer U­-boat plan, including release of skilled workers from front. Kaiser meets Reichstag at Berlin Bellevue Palace, ISP leader says ‘Crowns are rolling about the floor’.
Austria: German Austrians declare independ­ence at Vienna and form National Provincial Assembly (2nd mtg passes fundamental laws October 30).
France: Le Matin ‘s ‘Panorama of the Battle of Liberation’ map posted up in Paris.
Britain: Beaverbrook resigns as Information Minister (ill-health). Labour Minister reports that Special Branch and GHQ Home Forces preparing supply of auxiliary labour. Thomson (Special Branch) writes that working-class morale ‘Probably at its highest point’, but warns of union strike plans.

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