Diary October 22, 1916

Portuguese Metropolitan expeditionary troops
Group of Portuguese Metropolitan expeditionary troops in East Africa in October 1916.
World War One Diary for Sunday, October 22, 1916:

African Fronts

East Africa: Portuguese now 8 miles north of river Rovuma. Major Kraut storms NRFF Hill at Mkapira and invests position (until October 30) until beaten over river Ruhuje after 124 casualties, 1 gun and 3 MGs lost.

Eastern Front

Dobruja­: CONSTANZA FALLS to Mackensen with much grain and oil.
Galicia: Stiff fighting north of Halicz (until October 23).

Air War

Britain: 2 German aircraft (1 lost to Dunkirk RNAS) drop 4 bombs on Sheerness (no casualties); 1 aircraft’s drops 3 bombs on Margate and wounds 2 people (October 23).
Western Front: 48 Anglo-German air combats, RFC lose 2 aircraft, claim 7.

Conflict of Nations - World War III

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