Diary October 4, 1918

US artillery in action
US artillery in action, equipped with the famous French 75mm M1897 field gun.
World War One Diary for Friday, October 4, 1918:

Western Front

France: Allies announce capture of 254,012 PoWs; 3,669 guns; 23,000 MGs between July 15 and September 30.
Meuse and Argonne: US advance resumed west of river, takes Hill 240 and 4 villages in mile or so advance. ‘… Bullard’s Corps forces the enemy back to the Kriemhilde positions south of the Bois de Forest’ (US communique). An US 1st Division battalion has 242 men left out of 820, 3rd Division takes 1,366 casualties vs Curel Heights. Lull follows on October 5 after 8­-mile advance.

Middle East

Britain: British Government learns Turkey has cabled Berlin that she is about to seek peace.
East Persia­: Inspector-General of Communications Dickson reaches Juzzah border railhead, cables need for 14,600 camels or 1,450 vans.

Sea War

East Atlantic: U-boat sinks Japanese liner Hiramo Maru (292 lost) off Ireland.
Med­iterranean: British convoy escorts and SS Greenland‘s gunfire sink coastal submarine UB-68 southeast of Malta, her commander Doenitz (U-boat leader in WW2) a PoW, having sunk 7 ships or 16,993t including one from this convoy.
North Sea: Harwich Force hoping to find returning U-boats only finds 2 armed trawlers to sink.

Air War

Italy: 48 Sopwith Camel fighters (no casualties) bomb Austrian flying schools at Campoformido, southwest of Udine and Egna, south of Bolzano (October 5), destroying over 13 aircraft.


Switzerland: Germany and Austria send armistice pleas to US President Wilson via Berne on basis of 14 Points.

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