Diary September 1, 1915

Fokker single-seat fighter EI
Fokker single-seat fighter EI. With its help it is possible for the Germans to establish some air superiority to the end of 1915.
Diary for Wednesday, September 1, 1915:

Air War

Heavy losses to Fok­ker E‘s compel French to aban­don long-range daylight bombing from Nancy­-Malzeville; shorter-range operations (Lens and Cambrai areas) continue from Humieres (Pas-de-Calais) until December. In September RFC flies a record of 4740 hrours 50 minutes missions. Fokker E-type fighters temporarily grounded while 3 serious crashes investigated (ban lifted later in September).
France: In September Rene Besnard made first Under-Secretary of State for Aviation (until February 1916), aged 36.

Eastern Front

Western Russia: Scholtz’s Eighth Army attacks Grodno.
Pripet: ­German war poet Captain August Stramm killed, aged 41, with Bugarmee.
Galicia: Austrian Second Army re-occupies Brody, reaches river Sereth west bank on September 3.

Middle East

Syria: French occupy Ruad Island between Latakia and Tripoli.
Gallipoli: French offer to land Sarrail’s 6 divisions in Asia Minor at Yukyeri Bay opposite Tenedos but only after Western Front offensive.
Persia: ­Russians capture German party near Tabas in the east. British Isfahan Consul-general wounded, Shiraz Vice-Consul mortally wounded (died September 7), Allies leave on September 14.

Sea War

North Sea: Isle of Man passenger steamer Vindex converted to carry 7 aircraft (joins Harwich Force end of November after Bristol Scout makes first take-off from a Royal Navy carrier).

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