Western Front
Germany: HINDENBURG ACHIEVES DE FACTO COMMAND OF CENTRAL POWERS’ ARMIES. OHL (German Supreme Forces Command) for the purpose becomes OKL (Supreme War Command).
Battle of the Somme: French I Corps advance southeast of Combles; VII Corps repulses heavy counter-attacks at Bouchavesnes.
Verdun: At citadel President Poincare confers Legion of Honour on the fortress ‘against whose walls the highest ambitions of Imperial Germany have broken’; Petain, Joffre, Nivelle and Mangin all present.
Germany: Kaiser, Hindenburg, Bethmann, Enver and Tsar Ferdinand confer at Pless.
Southern Fronts
Salonika: British 65th Brigade (22nd Division) storms German 59th Regiment’s Machukovo village salient, taking c.70 PoWs and 9 MGs for 586 casualties but loses it again until September 14.
Air War
Adriatic: 22 Italian Caproni bombers with Italian-built Nieuport fighter escort bomb Trieste.