Eastern Front
FINAL GERMAN OFFENSIVE AT STALINGRAD: Savage hand-to-hand fighting continues in city until November 18.
Solomons – BATTLE OF BLOODY RIDGE: Japanese reinforcements attempt to storm Henderson Field; they are repulsed with severe casualties.
Home Fronts
Malta: The Governor, Lord Gort, presents George Cross (awarded to entire population in April) to Chief Justice at ceremony in bomb-battered Palace Square, Valletta.
Sea War
Arctic – German operations against Arctic Convoy PQ.18 (September 13-18): 10 ships are sunk by aircraft and 3 by U-boats, but Sea Hurricanes shoot down 7 raiders (20 German aircraft lost in toto); 3 U-boats sunk.
Air War
Germany: 100th RAF raid on Bremen (19 four-engined bombers lost).