Diary September 15, 1940

Do 17 flying over London
German Dornier Do 17 bombers were flying over the fires in London, caused from the first wave.
Diary for Sunday, September 15, 1940:

Air War

BATTLE OF BRITAIN SUNDAY: Two major raids on London smashed by RAF, which claims 185 ‘kills’; Germans actually lose 53 aircraft, plus 16 damaged. 26 British fighters shot down; 13 pilots killed. Bombs scattered widely across London; Buckingham Palace hit. Unsuccessful diversionary raids on Southampton and Portland.
Heavy night raids on London by 180 aircraft (1 lost). 1,000-kg delayed-action bomb removed from deep crater near St Paul’s Cathedral and exploded on Hackney Marshes.
RAF night raids on Berlin and invasion barges at Antwerp.

Total losses in the Battle of Britain from August 8 – September 15, 1940:
800 fighters of the RAF Fighter Command
663 fighters of the Luftwaffe
691 bombers of the Luftwaffe
2,154 planes total


Rumania: Antonescu establishes dictatorial regime; all political parties – except Iron Guard – are banned.

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