Western Front
Battle of the Somme: British capture Falfemont Farm and link with French I Corps across Combles ravine (its attack to southeast fails on September 6). French take Ferme de L’Hopital (1/2-mile East of Le Forest). French VII Corps clears Clery and links with XXXIII Corps (Sixth Army right wing) which has captured Ommiecourt (south bank of Somme). Allies secure whole of German second line. They advance 1,500 yards east of Guillemont and capture most of Leuze Wood.
Verdun: ÂTavannes tunnel blows up killing 1,000 French (news kept secret).
Eastern Front
Hungary: Rumanian 1st Division occupies Orsova on Danube.
Dobruja: Mackensen attacks Tutracaia fortress (its 15 forts taken on September 6) on south bank of Danube with 25,000 PoWs (Rumanian 17th Division) and 115 guns for 7,902 casualties.
Southern Fronts
Dolomites: Italians have cleared Val Cismonfree.