Sea War
North Sea: Dover Patrol and French bombardment of Ostend with air-spotting, monitor Lord Clive damaged by 5 shells from new Tirpitz Battery (4 x 11-in guns); shelling repeated on September 19 and along Belgian coast from September 25-27 and 30.
Western Front
Champagne: German song writer Fritz Jürgens killed, aged 27.
Eastern Front
Western Russia: Germans take Voikovisk.
Galicia – Battle of Tarnopol (until September 16): Russian Ninth and Eleventh Army counterÂ-offensive on river Sereth and at Trembovia as Austrian First Army enters Dubno. Former takes 17,383 PoWs and 33 guns.
Southern Fronts
Serbia: Serbs drive Austrians from positions on Drina and Danube in minor operations.
Middle East
East Persia: 300 British soldiers get to Birjand, join Russians.
African Fronts
North Cameroons: 2nd Allied attack on Mora (until September 9) fails, more efforts abandoned on September 15.
Air War
Britain: Airships LZ74 (George) and SL2 (Wobeser) bomb London (night September 7-8, 46 civilian casualties).
Home Front
Britain: War Policy Committee finds for conscription but 4 members dissent.