Eastern Front
Brusilov offensive – Galicia: Shcherbachev’s Seventh Army attacks, widens frontage and taking Buczacz on June 8; by June 10 has made 30-mile breach and taken 16,000 PoWs.
Sea War
Mediterranean: German U-boat U35 (Arnauld) sinks 40 ships worth 56,818 t (until July 3), despite French destroyer Arquebuse attack on June 15.
Anglo-French ‘pacific’ blockade of Greece (until June 22) against machinations of pro-German King Constantine. France orders detention of all Greek merchant vessels on June 8, special squadron earmarked for future action.
Western Front
Ypres: German gains at Hooge.
Verdun: Besieged Fort Vaux‘s heroic commander Major Raynal (fort reduced to 12 gals water) appointed Commander Legion of Honour. Stretcher-bearer Vanier escapes from the fort to French lines.
Southern Fronts
Salonika: Milne informs Sarrail that British ordered on June 3 not to take part in planned offensive, tries to moderate his actions against Greeks (and on June 8). British allotted own distinct sector along Struma, occupied by June 27 often in 100°+F.
Middle East
Egypt: T E Lawrence edits first weekly issue of Arab Bulletin (until August 1919).
Greece: Allies resume ‘pacific blockade’ (until June 22) because Greeks (protest June 7) allowed Bulgars over frontier. Secret police instigate antiÂ-Allied riots on June 12.
ChinaÂ: Death of President Yuan Shihkai (aged 56), Vice-President Liyuanhang succeeds on June 7.
Home Fronts
France: Chamber decides to hold secret Verdun inquiry (June 16Â-21); Government win vote.
30 British conscientious objectors sentenced to be shot, then sent home on June 29 when Prime Minister pledges no repeat and gives alternative work, 4,000 on it already.