
History of WW2

Battles, Military Production and Personages of WW2.

German troops near Arnheim
Operation Market Garden and the Battle of Arnhem 1944: Allied Airborne Assault in the Netherlands. Operation Market Garden and the Read more
Narrow missed hit on a Allied destroyer
Arctic convoys to Russia in 1941 and 1942. First convoys, the destruction of PQ-17 and losses of PQ-18, new tactics Read more
Ein Volk Reich Fuehrer
Collection of pictures about Adolf Hitler. Hitler was the driving force and uncontested leader of National Socialism, whose rise and Read more
The pensive Hitler
The Five Faces of Adolf Hitler. An attempt to describe the character of the German leader or 'Fuehrer' of the Read more
Geramn infantry on Panzers
German Orders of Battle of 11 May 1942 and the Planning of the Summer Offensive (Operation Blue). Here to the Read more
US destroyer Kearny (DD-432) was also damaged by a German U-boat
Part II of 'Why did Hitler declare war on the US?' Back to PART I: Why did Hitler declare war Read more
new Italian M14-41 tanks
Military production of the Axis Minors Italy, Hungary and Romania during the Second World War. By type of weapons and Read more
Polish insurgents in Warsaw.
Warsaw Uprising 1944: Poland's Heroic 63-Day Battle Against Nazi Occupation. Warsaw Uprising 1944: Poland's Heroic 63-Day Battle Against Nazi Occupation Read more
German flamethrower in action
History and causes of the Balkan campaign 1940-1941. Mussolini’s Greek adventure on 28 October 1940 to the German attack of Read more
Panther tank of the Panzer-Lehr-Division
Operation Cobra, the Allied Breakout from the Normandy Bridgehead: A Cruical Turning Point in WWII. Operation Cobra, the Allied Breakout Read more
Göring after assassination attempt
Stauffenberg Assassination Attempt on Hitler and Attempted Coup on 20 July 1944: A Turning Point in WWII. Stauffenberg Assassination Attempt Read more
Russian counter-attack near Moscow.
The Soviet winter offensive 1941/42 from December 5-6, 1941 and German Orders of Battle from 2 January 1942. The first Read more
Stalin 1920s
Joseph Stalin's Reign of Terror and its Victims in the Soviet Union 1927-1953: Impact and Legacy. Joseph Stalin's Reign of Read more
Bismarck is firing on Hood
Operation Rheinübung ('Rhine Exercise'), the final cruise of the Bismarck. Detailed action, numerous photos and video about the sinking of Read more
Stukas flying across a German Panzer IV tank.
The Blitzkrieg 1939-1941: Dissecting the Strategies and Tactics of Lightning War. Lightning War Blitzkrieg, the German term for "lightning war," Read more
M3 Lee tanks under construction
U.S. arms production during WW2 from 1939-1945. U.S. arms production in WW2 During World War 2, the United States underwent Read more
Begin of the Russian summer offensive in Byelorussia
Operation Bagration, the Soviet Summer Offensive 1944: Decisive Blow to German Army Group Center. Operation Bagration, the Soviet Summer Offensive Read more
capture of Paris
Second World War, overview of the course of the 'Blitzkriege' (lightning wars) from 1939 to 1940 (Part I). Polish campaign, Read more
Panzer 3 in street fightings.
Second World War, overview of the course of the 'Axis high tide' from 1941 to 1942 (Part II). Mediterranean theater, Read more
Adolf Hitler
A compressed Biography of the German Führer (Leader) of the Third Reich and Supreme Commander Armed Forces, Adolf Hitler (1889-1945). Read more

Prophetic cartoon from a US newspaper from 1920
Prophetic cartoon from a US newspaper from 1920 after the Treaty of Versailles which ended WWI – the French P.M. Clemenceau (nicknamed the ‘Tiger’) leaving the conference, which had met to ensure peace, hears one of the children it had doomed to become a soldier in 1940 weeping at his fate.
WW2 History defines that war as beginning in 1939 in Europe with the battles for Poland.
Post-Versailles Poland was a country of some 24 million. Poland was only 75 percent Polish; the rest was Russian or Ukrainian in the east or German in the west. The Polish Corridor (including the port of Danzig) not only was heavily German but separated East Prussia from the Fatherland, a source of tension that Hitler eagerly exploited.

Poland had beaten the Red Army during the Russian civil wars after 1918 and remained impressive enough to motivate France to sign a mutual defense treaty in the 1920s. But if the Poles detested Germany, they detested Russia even more and so rejected French entreaties to permit Soviet troops into Poland if Germany attacked.
By mid-1939 Hitler, deprived of war in Czechoslovakia, was committed to one in Poland. Despite the Franco-Polish treaty and the growing alarm in London, he did not think the West would interfere, particularly after he signed a startling nonaggression and trade pact with Premier Joseph Stalin that included a secret protocol allowing the Soviets to occupy eastern Poland in case of war.
Even so, the Poles did not altogether despair. They believed that France and Britain would eventually respond and that the Polish army could withstand the Wehrmacht for many months, long enough for the West to mobilize and confront Hitler with what he feared most – a two-front war. This proved only partly accurate. When the Germans attacked on September 1, France and Britain, after issuing an ultimatum, did declare war. But they intended less to fight for Poland, which they considered indefensible without Russian involvement, than to signal to Hitler that they would fight him at some point.
The Poles moreover did not hold out, largely because the Germans fought a war that emphasized surprise and velocity as well as firepower. However, WW2 History has begun…

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