Diary JULY 5, 1914

World War One Diary for Sunday, July 5, 1914:

Blank Check
The Reich Chancellor’s announcement following the ‘Blank Check’ to the State Secretary of the Foreign Office, von Jagow, Vienna, to take the reins in order not to have to pay for the consequences of the Austro-Hungarian policy.
Austrian Special Envoy Count Hoyos arrives in Berlin to find out German intentions after Sarajevo.
Austrian Ambassador lunches at Potsdam New Palace with the Kaiser who receives Francis Josephs letter about punishing ‘this gang of criminal agitators in Belgrade’. After lunch, Chancellor Bethmann endorses Kaiser’s support for ‘immediate action’ by Austria against Serbia (Bethman repeats pledge to Austrian Ambassador next day).
Chancellor urges Kaiser not to give up his usual summer cruise.

Imperial rescript to the two Prime Ministers calls Sarajevo the outcome of ‘the fanaticism of a small band of misguided men’. Emperor receives Army CoS General Conrad and refuses his martial law request.

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