Most effective vehicles in F2P-Game War Thunder.

What are the best tanks and planes in War Thunder?
Table of Contents
Some time ago, the community of the F2P war game War Thunder has launched its own project on Thunder Skill to have finally a public statistical overview ​​about the performance of individual vehicles and win odds of the available different nation teams.
So far, therefore, in accordance with the kill/loss ratio the following vehicles (with an indication of the Battle Rating = BR) are the most effective ones in Realistic Land Battles.
In addition, there is also a regularly updated ‘heat map’ under WT Data Project with the victory rates of the respective nations at all ‘battle rating’ levels. See an example above right.
Values ​​in the range of 1.0 are only average, and below are already reveal too weak vehicles.
The Top 75 best armoured combat vehicles
Top 75 best tanks (according to Thunder Skill, status from February 2020):
Position # | Tank | Nation | kills/loses | Win rate |
1 | T-126 | Soviet (Premium) | 14.66 | 92 % |
2 | Char B1ter | France (Premium) | 9.92 | 100 % |
3 | E-100 | Germany (Premium) | 8.32 | 54 % |
4 | SdKfz 140/1 | Germany (Premium) | 6.79 | 62 % |
5 | US | 5.38 | 71 % |
6 | T-50 | Soviet | 5.16 | 38 % |
7 | T14 | US (Premium) | 5.10 | 78 % |
8 | Chi-He | Japan | 4.38 | 91 % |
9 | Excelsior | UK (Premium) | 4.26 | 77 % |
10 | KW-1B | Germany (Premium) | 4.12 | 70 % |
11 | KV-220 | Soviet (Premium) | 4.11 | 48 % |
12 | France | 3.85 | 31% |
13 | T-34E | Soviet (Premium) | 3.80 | 72 % |
14 | M8 Greyhound | US (Premium) | 3.79 | 53 % |
15 | Black Prince | UK (Premium) | 3.76 | 64 % |
16 | T-34 (1st Gv.T.Br.) | Soviet (Premium) | 3.75 | 69 % |
17 | Chi-Ha Kai | Japan | 3.72 | 41 % |
18 | Crusader II | UK | 3.71 | 70 % |
19 | M14/1 | Italy | 3.71 | 41 % |
20 | Churchill Mk I | UK | 3.70 | 75 % |
21 | KV-1E | Soviet | 3.64 | 61 % |
22 | M26 T99 | US (Premium) | 3.58 | 88 % |
23 | M4A3 (105mm) | US | 3.55 | 82 % |
24 | IS-7 | Soviet (Premium) | 3.52 | 76 % |
25 | M4 748(a) | Germany (Premium) | 3.48 | 67 % |
26 | T95 | US | 3.46 | 68 % |
27 | Chi-Nu II | Japan | 3.38 | 57 % |
28 | M4A2 | US | 3.24 | 64 % |
29 | Germany | 3.25 | 45 % |
30 | StuH 42 | Germany | 3.11 | 44 % |
31 | Calliope | US (Premium) | 3.07 | 92 % |
32 | Pz IV F1 | Germany | 3.06 | 32 % |
33 | Ho-Ri Production | Japan | 3.04 | 57 % |
34 | T25 | US | 3.01 | 73 % |
35 | Lorraine 40t | France | 3.01 | 69 % |
36 | Maus | Germany (Premium) | 2.97 | 50 % |
37 | Churchill Mk III | UK | 2.96 | 63 % |
38 | Sherman II | UK | 2.96 | 51 % |
39 | US | 2.95 | 75 % |
40 | M3A1 (USMC) | US (Premium) | 2.95 | 71 % |
41 | AMX-50 | France | 2.95 | 66 % |
42 | M8A1 | US (Premium) | 2.95 | 96 % |
43 | PzBefw VI (P) | Germany (Premium) | 2.93 | 38 % |
44 | Ho-Ri Prototype | Japan (Premium) | 2.91 | 61 % |
45 | M4A1 (76)W | US | 2.90 | 81 % |
46 | T20 | US (Premium) | 2.89 | 76 % |
47 | M24 (TL) | US (Premium) | 2.88 | 79 % |
48 | M26 D.C.Ariete | Italy (Premium) | 2.88 | 39 % |
49 | SdKfz 234/3 | Germany (Premium) | 2.87 | 45 % |
50 | StuG III G | Germany | 2.85 | 59 % |
51 | T-34-747(r) | Germany (Premium) | 2.79 | 64 % |
52 | M6A1 | US | 2.77 | 83 % |
53 | Leclerc | France | 2.74 | 61 % |
54 | Achilles (65 Reg) | UK (Premium) | 2.72 | 58 % |
55 | Pz III N | Germany (Premium) | 2.70 | 60 % |
5666 | 8,8cm Flak 37 Sfl | Germany | 2.69 | 49 % |
57 | SdKfz 234/4 | Germany (Premium) | 2.63 | 66 % |
58 | Centurion Mk.5 AVRE | UK (Premium) | 2.59 | 80 % |
59 | M4A5 | US (Premium) | 2.59 | 61 % |
60 | T-44-122 | Soviet (Premium) | 2.59 | 34 % |
61 | T29 | US (Premium) | 2.58 | 66 % |
62 | T28 | US (Premium) | 2.58 | 66 % |
63 | M5A1 | US | 2.57 | 69 % |
64 | M3A1 Stuart | US | 2.57 | 66 % |
65 | M4A3E2 Jumbo | France | 2.56 | 35% |
66 | M4A1 | France | 2.55 | 50 % |
67 | Cobra King | US (Premium) | 2.54 | 85 % |
68 | Churchill Mk VII | UK | 2.53 | 91 % |
69 | Daimler AC Mk II | UK | 2.52 | 82 % |
70 | T32 | US | 2.52 | 67 % |
71 | T-34 (1942) | Soviet | 2.50 | 57 % |
72 | M4A3E2 (76)W Jumbo | US | 2.49 | 71 % |
73 | Marder IIIH | Germany | 2.48 | 51 % |
74 | T-V | Soviet (Premium) | 2.48 | 43 % |
75 | M3 GMC | US | 2.47 | 73 % |
Most effective vehicles
A few years earlier (2016), however, the most effective vehicles were different. As new vehicles are constantly being added in War Thunder, some are subsequently changed or fundamental modifications are made to the game system (e.g. the controversial change in the Penetration of Tank Ammunition from historical test results to much less accurate, theoretical calculation results), it is important to keep up to date on ThunderSkill.
Most effective Heavy Tanks
Additionally, it has to bring to notice, that the use of a heavy tank can cost up to 450 points, a medium tank but only a maximum of 310 points and a tank destroyer at highest 290 points. Therefore, heavy tanks should be supposed to have around a 1.25-1.50 times better shooting quota as medium tanks or tank destroyers, which is unfortunately often not the case. Therefore, one should limit the use of heavy tanks in the game as far as possible, if they do not have high kill to loss quota.
Heavy Tanks:
Kill/Loss Ratio | Heavy Tank | Nation | Battle Rating |
1.9 | Maus | Germany | BR 7.7 |
1.5 | Caernarvon | Britain | BR 6.7 |
1.4 | T-10M | Russia | BR 8.0 |
1.3 | 10.5-cm-Tiger II | Germany | BR 7.0 |
1.3 | Russia | BR 6.0+6.7 |
1.3 | Churchill III | Britain | BR 4.0 |
1.1 | Tiger II(H) | Germany | BR 6.7 |
1.1 | Tiger II(P) | Germany | BR 6.3 |
1.0 | M103 | US | BR 7.7 |
1.0 | T26E1-1 | US | BR 6.7 |
1.0 | Tiger I(H) | Germany | BR 5.7 |
1.0 | Churchill VII | Britain | BR 4.7 |
1.0 | Russia | BR 4.3 |
0.9 | KV-1 | Russia | BR 3.7 |
0.8 | Conqueror Mk 2 | Britain | BR 7.7 |
0.8 | Tiger IE | Germany | BR 6.0 |
0.8 | IS-1 | Russia | BR 5.7 |
0.8 | M4A3E2 Jumbo | US | BR 5.0 |
0.7 | IS-3 | Russia | BR 7.3 |
0.5 | M4A3 (105mm) Sherman | US | BR 3.7 |
Most effective Medium and Light Tanks
This is the most important category of combat vehicles, which can be used at relatively inexpensive costs and are most times armed equally, faster, and more flexible and nearly as good as the heavy tank at the same Battle Ratings in War Thunder. You can see that mainly the Russian and at higher Battle Ratings the British vehicles occupy leading positions. Only with the relatively high Battle Rating 6.7 the Germans received with the Panther II a superb medium battle tank. Therefore, the high win rates at most Battle Ratings, especially for the Russian team – and in the high Battle Ratings for the British – are not surprising.
Light and Medium Tanks:
Kill/Loss Ratio | Light or Medium Tank | Nation | Battle Rating |
1.8 | Centurion Mk 3 | Britain | BR 6.7 |
1.7 | T-44-122 (Premium) | Russia | BR 6.3 |
1.6 | Centurion Mk 10 | Britain | BR 7.0 |
1.4 | Chieftain Mk3 | Britain | BR 8.0 |
1.4 | T-44-100 | Russia | BR 7.0 |
1.4 | AVIV Thunderbolt (Premium) | Britain | BR 5.0 |
1.3 | Russia | BR 5.0-5.3 |
1.2 | M26E1 (Premium) | US | BR 6.7 |
1.2 | Panther II | Germany | BR 6.7 |
1.2 | T-34-100 (Premium) | Russia | BR 6.7 |
1.2 | T-34-76 | Russia | BR 3.7+4.0 |
1.1 | Leopard 1 | Germany | BR 8.0 |
1.1 | T-34E (Premium) | Russia | BR 4.3 |
1.1 | M4 Sherman | US | BR 3.7 |
1.0 | M46 Patton | US | BR 6.7 |
1.0 | T92 | US | BR 6.7 |
1.0 | US | BR 6.3 |
1.0 | Comet | Britain | BR 5.3 |
1.0 | M4A3 (76mm) Sherman | US | BR 5.3 |
1.0 | Cromwell I | Britain | BR 3.7 |
1.0 | Germany | BR 3.7 |
0.9 | T-54 | Russia | BR 7.3+7.7 |
0.9 | Panther F | Germany | BR 6.3 |
0.9 | T-44 | Russia | BR 6.3 |
0.9 | M4A1 Sherman | US | BR 3.3 |
0.9 | PzKpfw IVF2 | Germany | BR 3.3 |
0.8 | M60 | US | BR 8.0 |
0.8 | Sherman Firefly | Britain | BR 5.0 |
0.8 | M4A2 (76mm) Sherman | US | BR 5.0 |
0.8 | PzKpfw IV H | Germany | BR 4.0 |
0.8 | Cromwell V | Britain | BR 3.3 |
0.8 | Valentine XI | Britain | BR 3.0 |
0.8 | PzKpfw III J1 | Germany | BR 3.0 |
0.7 | Panther D | Germany | BR 5.7 |
0.7 | T-34-57 | Russia | BR 4.7 |
0.7 | A13 Mk I | Britain | BR 1.0 |
0.6 | M41A1 | US | BR 6.3 |
0.6 | Panther A | Germany | BR 6.0 |
0.6 | PzKpfw III M | Germany | BR 3.3 |
Most effective Tank Destroyers
Only in the problematic range of tank destroyers, the German teams are the clear leader. But the effective use of these vehicles without a turret is quite challenging and requires already some experience in the mostly existing confusing close-quarter maps.
Tank Destroyers:
Kill/Loss Ratio | Tank Destroyers | Nation | Battle Rating |
1.9 | Panzerjäger I | Germany | BR 1.7 |
1.6 | Jagdtiger | Germany | BR 7.0 |
1.6 | Dicker Max | Germany | BR 4.3 |
1.2 | SU-85 | Russia | BR 4.7+5.3 |
1.2 | Achilles | Britain | BR 4.0 |
1.2 | Marder IIIH | Germany | BR 3.0 |
1.0 | Nashorn | Germany | BR 5.3 |
1.0 | SU-152 | Russia | BR 5.0 |
1.0 | StuG III G | Germany | BR 4.0 |
0.9 | Germany | BR 6.3 |
0.9 | M18 Hellcat | US | BR 5.0 |
0.8 | M10 Wolverine | US | BR 3.7 |
0.6 | StuG III F | Germany | BR 3.7 |
Most effective Anti-Aircraft Tanks
Again, apparently the German team are in advantage, even when these are only support vehicles for the second or third wave, which usually can not turn the tide of battle.
Kill/Loss Ratio | AA-Tank | Nation | Battle Rating |
1.0 | Gepard | Germany | BR 2.0 |
0.9 | Wirbelwind | Germany | BR 3.7 |
0.8 | Kugelblitz | Germany | BR 6.7 |
0.6 | ZSU-57-2 | Russia | BR 7.7 |
0.6 | M19 | US | BR 5.0 |
0.6 | Ostwind | Germany | BR 4.7 |
0.6 | 94-KM ZIS-12 | Russia | BR 3.3 |
0.6 | AC Mk II AA | Britain | BR 2.7 |
0.5 | ZSU-37 | Russia | BR 4.7 |
0.5 | SdKfz 6/2 | Germany | BR 3.0 |
Most effective Aircraft
Subsequently, the most effective aircraft, which have come in larger quantities into action during the realistic ground battles of War Thunder:
Kill/Loss Ratio | Plane | Nation | Battle Rating |
5.3 | Canberra B | Britain | BR 8.0 |
2.1 | Arado 234B | Germany | BR 6.7 |
2.0 | Do 217E | Germany | BR 4.7 |
1.9 | Spitfire F | Britain | BR 5.3-6.3 |
1.7 | B-25J Mitchell | US | BR 4.0+4.3 |
1.7 | F6F-3 Hellcat | US+Britain (Premium) | BR 3.7 |
1.7 | Wellington | Britain | BR 2.3-3.3 |
1.6 | Tu-2S | Russia | BR 6.3 |
1.6 | F8F-1 Bearcat | US | BR 6.0 |
1.4 | (lease-lend) B-25J | Russia | BR 4.3 |
1.3 | Pe-8 | Russia | BR 4.0 |
1.3 | Il-4 | Russia | BR 3.0 |
1.2 | AD-2 Skyraider | US | BR 6.0 |
1.2 | Firefly FR | Britain | BR 3.7+4.0 |
1.2 | Russia | BR 3.7-4.7 |
1.1 | Germany | BR 4.7+5.0 |
1.1 | Germany | BR 3.7-4.0 |
1.0 | Me 410A | Germany | BR 3.7 |
1.0 | P-47D Thunderbolt | US+Russia (Premium) | BR 3.7 |
0.9 | Me 410B | Germany | BR 4.7 |
0.8 | Ju 87D | Germany | BR 2.7+3.3 |
Overall arise spots in effectiveness among the nations around the following Battle Ratings:
Germany at BR 4.3 (Dicker Max) and 7.0 (Jagdtiger, 10.5-cm-Tiger II, Panther II, Arado bomber) and the Maus at 7.7.
Russia around BR 3.7-4.0 (T-34-76), 5.0 (T-34-85) and BR 6.3-7.0 (IS-2, T-44-100, Tu-2 or Premium T-44-122, T-34-100), especially because of the T-34/44 series.
Britain from BR 6.7-7.0 (two Centurions, Caernarvon, Spitfire F), at BR 8.0 (Chieftain, Canberra bomber) and probably around BR 4.0 (Churchill III, Achilles).
In the US none optimal, above average BR can be found (if any, than most likely around the BR 6.7, including the use of premium vehicles).
The most effective premium tank appears to be the Russian T-44-122 with a kill to loss ratio of as much as 1.7 !
Who does not know the F2P tank and plane war game War Thunder can download it from here for free:
maus hahahahha
pen from front with obj 120 !!!!
WHAT IS Japan?
Japan (Japanese: 日本; Nippon [ɲippoÉ´] or Nihon [ɲihoÉ´]; formally 日本国 About this soundNippon-koku or Nihon-koku, lit. ”State of Japan”) is an island country in East Asia. Located in the Pacific Ocean, it lies off the eastern coast of the Asian continent and stretches from the Sea of Okhotsk in the north to the East China Sea and the Philippine Sea in the south.
muh russian bias…