Norwegian Armed Forces 1940

Strength and organization of the Army, Air Force and Navy of Norway at the time of the German invasion in April 1940.

Three Allied soldiers evacuated from Norway
Three Allied soldiers evacuated from Norway: from left, a French chasseur alpin, a British infantryman and a Norwegian officer.

Norwegian Armed Forces in 1940

In 1940, at the outset of World War II, the Norwegian Armed Forces were relatively small and ill-prepared for the German invasion that began on April 9, 1940.


The Norwegian military consisted of the following branches:

Army (Hæren): The Norwegian Army had around 15,000 active soldiers and a mobilization capacity of about 100,000 men. However, the army lacked modern equipment and had limited training.

Navy (Sjøforsvaret): The Royal Norwegian Navy had a fleet of around 50 vessels, including four coastal defense ships, nine destroyers, and several submarines. The navy was responsible for defending the extensive Norwegian coastline.

Air Force (Luftforsvaret): The Royal Norwegian Air Force was established as a separate branch in 1944. In 1940, the air force consisted of approximately 150 aircraft, mostly outdated models, and had limited combat capabilities.

Despite being outnumbered and outgunned, the Norwegian Armed Forces put up resistance against the German invasion. Key events include:

– The sinking of the German heavy cruiser Blücher in the Oslofjord by Norwegian coastal defenses.
– The battles of Narvik, where Norwegian and Allied forces fought against the Germans for control of the strategically important port city.
– The Norwegian Campaign, which lasted from April 9 to June 10, 1940, before the Norwegian government went into exile and the country was occupied by Nazi Germany.

Many Norwegian soldiers and military personnel continued to fight alongside the Allies throughout the war, both in exile and as part of the resistance movement within occupied Norway.

Norwegian Army

Lieutenant (left) and Corporal, Norwegian Army
Lieutenant (left) and Corporal, Norwegian Army, 1940

In 1939, after more than a hundred years of peace, Norway did not possess a large standing army and her government considered that effective national defense against a major power was impossible.
The Russian invasion of Finland in 1939 was a severe shock, and during the winter a sizable Norwegian force was established in northern Norway. After Russia signed an armistice with the Finns in March 1940, however, the force was disbanded.

When the Germans invaded on 8 April, the Norwegian Army was only partially mobilized and in the process of training new recruits. But despite these disadvantages, Norway put up a stubborn fight, and it was two months before the country was completely overrun and the British, French and Polish contingents evicted. The government finally capitulated on 9 June 1940.
Despite bitter fighting casualties had been light; the Norwegians lost just 1,335 killed and wounded. Small contingents of Norwegians managed to escape to England, while others crossed into Sweden.

King Haakon VII was Commander-in-Chief of a basically territorial army, which when fully mobilized, was to have had a strength of about 100,000 men. A small cadre of regular officers and NCO’s was responsible for running the Army and for the training of conscripts.
The country was divided into six Military Districts or Commands with their headquarters in Halden, Oslo, Kristiansand, Bergen, Trondheim and Harstad. Each Command was initially expected to field a brigade, later to be expanded to a division and garrison and ancillary troops.

An infantry division comprised a staff, two or three infantry regiments, and either a field artillery regiment, or a mountain artillery battalion.
The 2nd Infantry Division in Oslo included the Royal Guard and a cavalry regiment. The 5th and 6th infantry divisions had, in addition, a pioneer and flying battalion.

An infantry regiment had a strength of 3,750 men armed with Krag-Joergensen M1894 rifles. Some regiments had a bicycle company for reconnaissance duties, which in winter became a ski troop.

Map about the German invasion of Norway
Map about the war in Norway and the deployment of the Norwegian divisions on April 9, 1940 (in blue letters).

Norwegian Army Divisions:

Infantry Division
Units total
Infantry regiments
2-3 (each with 3,750 men)
Total men
Machine guns
264-396 (192-288 x light 6.5mm Madsen, 72-108 x heavy Colt-Browning M29)
16-24 (heavy)
24-36 (16-24 x Kongsberg 120mm field howitzers, 12 x Ehrhardt 75mm M1901 field guns)
Anti-aircraft guns
? (Madsen 20mm heavy machine guns, Kongsberg 75mm M1932 anti-aircraft guns)

Norwegian Air Force

Norwegian pilot
A Norwegian pilot with the rank of lieutenant.
By midday on 9 April 1940, the German armed forces had occupied nearly all the airfields and seaplane bases south of Narvik, and most of Norway’s semi-modem fighters (Gloster Gladiators) had been destroyed in the defense of Oslo on the opening day of the German invasion. Thereafter, the Air Force took little part in the fighting.

The Air Force was organized in three flights (one each of fighters, bombers and reconnaissance aircraft) with a total of 76 aircraft and 940 men, and was intended to play a ground-support role.

Norwegian Navy

Norwegian submarine 'HNMS Ula'
The Norwegian submarine ‘HNMS Ula’ returns to a British port after a mission at sea; the crew displaying their combat record in a somewhat unorthodox manner.

On 8 April 1940, the day before the German invasion, 5,200 officers and men were serving in the Navy and its Air Service. Despite the fact that the bulk of the vessels of the Norwegian Navy were obsolete, they gave a good account of themselves, during the hostilities with Germany. Indeed, during the fighting most of them were put out of action or sunk.

There were initially 113 vessels, comprising:
2 small armored cruisers;
10 minelayers;
7 destroyers;
3 large Trygg class torpedo boats;
14 torpedo boats;
9 submarines;
8 minesweepers;
9 patrol boats;
49 vessels converted to patrol boats.

Seaman of Norwegian Navy, 1940.
Seaman of Norwegian Navy, 1940. This ‘Dekksmann’ wears Norwegian Navy ‘square rig’ with his rank badge on the left sleeve.

Only 13 of these made British ports after capitulation.

On 22 April 1940, while fighting was still in progress, the Norwegian Government decided to requisition the whole Norwegian merchant fleet still under its control. 1,000 ships (totaling 4,000,000 tons) manned by 30,000 seamen were saved for the Allied cause, and played an indispensable part in the Battle of the Atlantic.

In addition to the fleet there were coastal fortifications armed with guns of various calibers at Oscarborg, Oslofjord, Kristiansand, Bergen and Agdenes, which were manned by 308 officers and 2,095 other ranks.

The Norwegian Naval Air Service had been formed as early as 1915, and because of its small size necessarily played only a limited role in the war against Germany. Some Navy aircraft did, however, fly to northern Norway after the initial German attack, and they continued to operate from there until fighting ceased on 7 June 1940.

References and literature

The Armed Forces of World War II (Andrew Mollo)
World War II – A Statistical Survey (John Ellis)

2 thoughts on “Norwegian Armed Forces 1940”

  1. Sadly the Allies ended up smashing Norway far worse than what the Germans inflicted.
    Carpet bombing proved very destructive leaving Norway a mess well into the 60’s.

  2. Shawn The Soldier

    Make sure you read the army section very well. There were only 19,000 Norwegians fighting in the war, with a total of about 67.5k available, and yes I went to Calculator.

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