Diary December 31, 1939

British convoy
Until September 1940 ships in convoys were seldom attacked by U-Boats.
War Diary WW2 for Sunday, December 31, 1939:

Sea War

Merchant shipping losses in December 1939: 72 Allied ships with 190,768 tons in the Atlantic.
1 U-boat sunk in the Atlantic, Arctic or Baltic.
Shipping Losses 1939:
Allied and Neutral: 225 ships totaling 767,358 t.
German: 9 U-boats.


Winter War: Russians bomb Viipuri and other towns.


Britain and France inform League of Nations that they will give all possible assistance to Finland.

Home Fronts

Britain: Road accident deaths (September-December 1939) total 4,130 (only 2,511 killed in military operations over same period).
15,626 people registered as conscientious objectors.
Germany: Hitler‘s New Year Proclamation to Nazi Party: Germany’s war aim is the final defeat of the British ‘warmongers and war-declarers’.

Supremacy 1914

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