Western Front
Flanders: Germans retire from coast dunes near Nieuport under French gunfire.
BEF officer casualties until January 23 are 29 men, the lowest number of wounded and killed of war.
Artois: Seesaw battle for Blangy; finally recaptured by French.
Champagne: French advance near Perthes.
Alsace: ÂFrench 47th Alpine Division formed in northern Vosges from 10 battalions sent from Artois on January 6.
Eastern Front
Poland: Russians repulse attacks near Bolimow and near Lipno in northwest.
Bukovina: Russians occupy Kirlibaba Pass, repulse Austrian attacks on January 20-21, but Pflanzer-Baltin’s 50,000 Austrians retake it on January 22.
Middle East
Armenia: 3,000 survivors of Turk X Corps reach Hasankale. Turk XI Corps (15,000 men) retreats on Erzerum until January 18.
German staff estimate Turk Third Army at 12,400 effectives, having suffered 86% losses in 4 weeks.
African Fronts
East Africa: Brigadier General Malleson sent to liaise with the Belgian troops.