Eastern Front
Poland: German plane bombs Russian Fifth Army Headquarter at Mogilnitsa (casualties: 4 men, 2 horses).
Russians take Skempe.
Western Front
Champagne: French seize positions near Bois-le-Pretre, only to lose them in counter-attacks. Rain and exhaustion halts operations until January 20.
Middle East
Armenia: Lyakhov’s 10,000 regulars and 24 guns with support of 4 destroyers drive c. 10,000 Turks westwards across river Coruh towards Russian frontier.
Egypt: New Zealand and Australian Division formed.
African Fronts
East Africa: Lettow attacks Yasini with 9 companies after quelling Arab company mutiny. Yasini surrenders next day, garrison’s (296 soldiers including 35 killed and wounded) ammo finished. Lettow loses 274 men and 200,000 rounds; 3rd KAR relief column arrives one hour too late.
Japan presents 21 Demands to China, denies doing so on January 27.
Argentina: First of 3 German merchantmen interned (until February 26) for violating neutrality.