ItalyÂ: Mussolini launches and edits Popolo d’italia newspaper.
USA: ‘Christmas ship’ Jason sails from New York with $ 3 million gifts for war victims.
Western Front
France: Field Marshal Lord Roberts, VC, last C-in-C of British Army (1901-04) died from pneumonia at St Orner after inspecting Indian Corps on November 12, aged 82. Germans down to 4 days’ shell supply. BEF IV Corps enters line between II Corps and Indian Corps opposite Aubers (night November 14-15).
Eastern Front
Poland: Battle of Kutno until November 16. Mackensen marches 25 miles (ca. 40 km) and drives wedge between Russian First and Second Armies.
Southern Fronts
Serbia: Serb Obrenovac Detachment and Second Army now behind river Kolubara.
Middle East
Mesopotamia: Lieutenant-general Barrett GOC IEF’D’ brings the 18th Brigade (18 transport ships) with 7,046 troops and 24 guns ashore by November 16.
African Fronts
South Africa: Beyer’s rebels routed at Bulfontein.
Rhodesia: 1st Regiment leaves Salisbury for Bloemfontein.
Home Fronts
Japan: The government decides not to send troops or warships to Europe.