Diary November 14, 1914

'Il Popolo d'Italia' November 1914
Headlines of two Italian socialist newspapers from November 1914 show the political struggle to develop around the defense of neutrality. Benito Mussolini, founder of Italian Fascism, starts his political journey to the extreme right wing by quitting as editor of the socialist ‘Avanti!’ (below) and founding the interventionist ‘Il Popolo d’Italia’ (above). The headline from ‘Avanti!’ attacks its former editor.
War Diary of World War One for Saturday, November 14, 1914:


Italy­: Mussolini launches and edits Popolo d’italia newspaper.
USA: ‘Christmas shipJason sails from New York with $ 3 million gifts for war victims.

Western Front

France: Field Marshal Lord Roberts, VC, last C-in-C of British Army (1901-04) died from pneumonia at St Orner after inspecting Indian Corps on November 12, aged 82. Germans down to 4 days’ shell supply. BEF IV Corps enters line between II Corps and Indian Corps opposite Aubers (night November 14-15).

Eastern Front

Poland: Battle of Kutno until November 16. Mackensen marches 25 miles (ca. 40 km) and drives wedge between Russian First and Second Armies.

Southern Fronts

Serbia: Serb Obrenovac Detachment and Second Army now behind river Kolubara.

Middle East

Mesopotamia: Lieutenant-general Barrett GOC IEF’D’ brings the 18th Brigade (18 transport ships) with 7,046 troops and 24 guns ashore by November 16.

African Fronts

South Africa: Beyer’s rebels routed at Bulfontein.
Rhodesia: 1st Regiment leaves Salisbury for Bloemfontein.

Home Fronts

Japan: The government decides not to send troops or warships to Europe.

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