Western Front
Falkenhayn begins transferring 9 divisions to Eastern Front, ‘low fighting strength … and bad autumn weather’ ends German Fourth Army attacks.
Eastern Front
Poland: Fighting around Plotsk north of river Vistula.
Southern Fronts
Serbia – Battle of Kolubara until November 22; mainly in rain and snow with thick morning fogs: Austrian XVI Corps mountain troops reach point 1000 in Maljen Mountains; both sides suffer frostbite, Austrian XV Corps has 3,000 casualties and 5,000 men are sick.
Middle East
Mesopotamia – Battle of Fort Sahil (Kut-az-Zain): British (489 casualties) rout 4500 Turks, taking 2 guns and 150 PoWs. Turks fail to seal Shatt-al-Arab with 4 block ships.
African Fronts
East Africa: East African Mounted Rifles occupy Longido. Kitchener orders British on to the defensive, War Office assumes operational control.
Sea War
Baltic: German squadron shells Libau. Cruiser Friedrich Karl sunk by Russian mines off Memel. First Russian dreadnought Sevastopol completed at Baltic Yard, Petrograd.
Black Sea: ÂRussian squadron bombards Trebizond (repeated on November 20).
Home Fronts
Britain – Lloyd George introduces 1st War Budget: income tax doubled; £350 million as 1st War Loan issued.