Air War
Western Front: Lieutenant A Strange and F G Small of No 5 Squadron return from a reconnaissance mission in an Avro 504 (Lewis gun on jury-rigged rope tackle above observer’s seat) encounter an Albatros 2-seater at 7,000 ft (ca. 2,134 m). After 2 ammo drums are fired into the Albatros its pilot side-slips away and makes forced landing near Neuve-Eglise (southwest of Messines), behind British lines. Strange and Small land close by to take PoWs and see the German observer, a commissioned officer, drag the NCO pilot from the cockpit, knock him down and kick him. The RFC officers count 20 bullet holes in the downed Albatros.
RFC GOC Major-General Sir D Henderson temporarily commands British 1st Division until December 20, Colonel F H Sykes assumes command of Royal Flying Corps.
Western Front
Flanders – FIRST BATTLE OF YPRES ENDS: Since suffering a decisive check on November 11, Germans manage only desultory local attacks. By hours 2400 BEF is re-established on 21-mile front GivenchyÂ-Kemmel. BEF suffers first ‘trench foot’ cases.
Eastern Front
Poland: Mackensen approaches Lodz but ammo running short and resistance stiffening; 6th Siberian Division takes Brzeziny to northeast were 60,000 Germans surrounded and ordered to retreat at 1900 hours. Ivanov defeats Austrians (6,000 PoWs) on Cracow-Chenstokhov front.
Southern Fronts
Serbia: Austrian Fifth Army attacks Kolubara line, takes Chopka and Konatitsa with 8,000 PoWs and 42 guns by November 25.
Middle East
Armenia: Russians reÂoccupy Köprüköy after Turks withdraw 5-6 miles, latter’s losses to date 7,100 men.
African Fronts
South Africa: De Wet cut off to west, flees east again.
Secret War
Allies form tri-national espionage bureau at Folkestone (South coast, England) for agents’ reports from behind Western Front.
Greece: Allies vainly offer here southern Albania if she aids Serbia.