Sea War
North Sea: 3 German battlecruisÂers (Hipper) briefly shell Yarmouth to cover cruiser Kolberg which is laying 130 mines 15 miles (ca. 24 km) off the coast. Returning cruiser Yorck hits 2 German mines off the Jade and sinks next day. Fisher orders Admiralty to build a record of 600 warships. Grand Fleet return to Scapa Flow from L Swilly.
Aegean: 2 British battlecruisÂers and 2 French battleships bombard (76 shells) outer Dardanelles forts, Sedd-el-Bahr magazine explosion (150 killed).
Pacific: Spee is with his squadron at Valparaiso until November 4. He replies to German colony flowers and speaks: ‘They will do for my funeral’.
Eastern Front
Poland: Hindenburg decides to strike at Warsaw again, from northwest; Ninth Army (4 corps) transferred to north (by November 9) in 800 trains. German Army Detachment Woyrsch formed (existing until December 15, 1917).
Russian Fourth Army defeats AustroÂ-Germans at Kielce and recover it.
Western Front
FlandersÂ: Allies occupy abandoned German positions on Yser.
Middle East
Mesopotamia: IEF’D’ arrives off Shall-alÂ-Arab sandbar.
Far East
Tsingtao: Radio and electricity stations destroyed; German attack repulsed.
African Fronts
East Africa: Brigade-General Stewart’s 1,500 British, 4 guns and 6 MGs first cross Northern frontier but are repulsed with 53 casualties from Longido by Major Kraut’s 669 Germans (50 casualties) who evacuate it on November 6. Imperial Service Brigade (300 casualties) repulsed from Tanga.
Upper Senegal-NigerÂ: French capture Tuareg rebel leader Firhoun (jailed with 5 others on January 15, 1915).
Home Fronts
Germany: Falkenhayn confirmed as German CoS.
Britain: HMG recognizes Kuwait’s independence.
Italy: Baron Sonnino becomes Foreign Minister. Salandra Cabinet reshuffle.