Diary November 5, 1914

Field Marshal Sir John French
Field Marshal Sir John French, Commander of the BEF until November 1915. Although he has great charisma and is brave, he is not an easy man to get along with.
War Diary for Thursday, November 5, 1914:

Western Front

Somme: German attack at Le Ouesnoy-en-Santerre fails.
Flanders: BEF 7th Division withdrawn from line only 2,380 men strong. Foch tells Sir J French that Kitchener had offered him on November 1 to replace him with Hamilton; Prime Minister and Churchill have to send placatory letters.

Eastern Front

Poland: German HQ retreats to Szestochowa). Dankl to Conrad: ‘If the First Army is to be kept in existence…we must fall back’. It retreats, losing heavily, towards Cracow between November 6-10.

Southern Fronts

Serbia: Austrians shell along whole front (night 5/6) especially on Guchevo ridge.


Zanzibar declares war on Turkey.
Belgium rejects Papal mediation.

Middle East


African Fronts

East Africa: IEF’B’ re-embarks and reaches Mombasa on November 8. Tanga fiasco not revealed in Britain.
South Africa: De Wet’s rebels blow up Kroonstad-Natal railway at 3 points, Beyers’ 1000 men trek through loyal troops at Kingswood en route to join de Wet.

Sea War

Adriatic: Austrian U-5 misses French cruiser Victor Hugo.

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