Diary November 7, 1914

German PoW's in Japan
The German POW’s from Tsingtao in December 1914 at Japan.
War Diary of World War One for Saturday, November 7, 1914:

Far East

Tsingtao: Fall of the city. ­Ceasefire after Japanese storm redoubts before Forts Bismarck and Moltke. 4 German gunboats and sloop Cormoran scuttled.

Western Front

Flanders: Fierce attack on British positions at Givenchy. Germans regain Lombartzyde. First Territorials (London Scottish) reinforce BEF, 22 battalions and 6 Yeomanry regiments by mid­-December.
Artois: Heavy fighting at Arras.

Eastern Front

East Prussia: Otto Below replaces Francois as C-in-C German Eighth Army.

Southern Fronts

Serbia: Austrian Sixth Army drives Serb Third Army off Guchevo ridge and forces Serb First and Uzice Armies back up to 4 miles (6.44 km) in south.

Middle East

Armenia: Battles of Köprüköy (until November 12) and Azap (until November 20). Russian advance on Erzerum blocked

African Fronts

South Africa: Smuts reviews motor brigade at Johannesburg. Loyal troops take Beyers’ Gruis Drift camp and 350 men. Rebel Major Kemp’s 700 men beaten from Kuriman, Bechuanaland.
Cameroons: German company takes British frontier post at Danare and ambushes patrol near Abunorok on November 12.


Turkey declares war on Belgium.
Britain: Government refuses US demand to restrict right of search to high seas.

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