Diary November 9, 1914

destroyed German cruiser Emden
Shot in pieces by HMAS Sydney’s heavier armament, Emden was run ashore North Keeling Island and over 60 per cent of her crew became casualties. In her raiding career she had covered 30,000 miles, sunk 16 British ships and inflicted damage to the tune of about £5 m. – some 15 times the cost of building this light cruiser.

War Diary of World War One for Monday, November 9, 1914:

Sea War

Indian Ocean: German light cruiser Emden driven ashore and destroyed (206 dead, but 50 crew ashore escape) on Direction Island, Keeling, Cocos Islands by cruiser HMAS Sydney (Glossop) with 16 casualties and hit 10 times. First action ever fought by an Australian warship.
Pacific: German gunboat Geier interned at Honolulu, becomes USS Carl Schurz in 1917 (lost in collision on 21 June 1918). AMC Komoran interned at Guam on November 14.
Dardanelles: Admiral Guepratte forms French Squadron.
North Sea: ­First U-boat (U-12) enters Zeebrugge base.

Western Front

Flanders: British positions at Ypres come under fierce attack. Falkenhayn forms Army Group Linsingen for final effort. Indian Garhwal Rifles make successful night raid at Neuve Chapelle sector.

Eastern Front

Poland: Woyrsch evacuates Kalish and Chenstokhov. Russian 14th Cavalry Division raids Silesia, cuts railway at Pleschen and penetrates 20 miles (ca. 32 km) until next day.

Southern Front

Serbia: Austrian regiment crosses river Sava at Semendria east of Belgrade but is blocked by Serbian troops.

Home Fronts

Britain: Prime minister Asquith’s Guildhall speech on Allied war aims ‘We shall never sheath the sword’. Anglo­-French convention on naval prizes.

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