Eastern Front
Poland: GERMANS BEGIN PLANNED RETREAT FROM BEFORE WARSAW and abandon siege of Ivangorod.
Home Fronts
Germany: There are 149,000 French; 107,000 Russian; 32,000 Belgian and 9,000 British PoWs in camps.
Western Front
Flanders: General attack of German Fourth and Sixth Army attack on whole allied front between La Bassee Canal and the sea. Fourth Army is to break through between Ypres and Nieuport and to envelop northern flank of Allied armies in France and roll them up. III Reserve Corps storms Lombartzgde village east of Nieuport. The Kaiser arrives at Courtrai, anticipating triumphal entry into Ypres.
BEF repulses Sixth Army’s attacks at La Bassee, Armentieres and Messines. British I Corps (Haig) arrives from the Aisne via Poperinghe-St Omer and enters the line until next day just before Ypres, as Germans occupy PasschenÂdaele Ridge.
French Eighth Army (d’Urbal, HQ at RoesÂbrugge) formed between Belgians and BEF.
Sea War
North Sea: British SS Glitra (866t), FIRST MERCHANT SHIP SUNK BY SUBMARINE; captured, boarded and scuttled by U-17 (Feldkirchner) 14 miles (ca. 23 km) off Norway. The U-boat tows the rescue boats some miles towards coast.
Eastern Mediterranean: 22 suspect ships seized by Egypt in Suez Canal, 14 handed over to Royal Navy at Alexandria.
Italy: The Italian army reinforces the border forts to Austria until November 10, 1914.
USA: Broadway musical ‘Chin Chin’ opens and is including the song It’s a Long Way to Tipperary‘.