Diary October 22, 1914

Indian soldiers of 129th Baluchis at Ypern
Indian soldiers of 129th Baluchis at Wytschaete. They are some of the most experienced troops in this theater.
War Diary of World War One for Thursday, October 22, 1914:

Western Front

Flanders: Belgian 2nd Division re-enters Lombaertzyde but at night German III Reserve Corps bridges river Yser near Tervaete, capturing village and expanding bridgehead next day. Germans storm British trenches north of Pilkem. Smith-Dorrien retires on Givenchy-Neuve to Chapelle­-Fauquissart. 2 Indian brigades rushed up by bus stiffen BEF dismounted cavalry before Messines, 129th Baluchis‘ MG detachment win first of 5 Indian VCs in France on October 31.

Eastern Front

Bukovina: Austrians re­occupy Czernowitz but Russians retake it on October 28.
Poland: Austrian Battle of Ivangorod (until October 27) as Russian XXV Corps night crosses Vistula until October 23.


Turkey: Enver Pasha sends war intervention plan to German General Staff in Berlin who approve.

African Fronts

South Africa: Colonel Brits routs 600 rebel troops at Keimoes and Kakamas. Til October 26 Maritz is driven into Southwest Africa. Rebel leaders meet at Kopjes in Transvaal.


USA: US, Spanish London and Brussels Ambassadors organize committee for Belgian Relief (1st US food shipment on October 30). US withdraws insistence on London Declaration, but wants international law observed by combatants. $100 million War Revenue Act passed to offset declining import duties.

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