Western Front
Flanders: Belgian 2nd Division re-enters Lombaertzyde but at night German III Reserve Corps bridges river Yser near Tervaete, capturing village and expanding bridgehead next day. Germans storm British trenches north of Pilkem. Smith-Dorrien retires on Givenchy-Neuve to ChapelleÂ-Fauquissart. 2 Indian brigades rushed up by bus stiffen BEF dismounted cavalry before Messines, 129th Baluchis‘ MG detachment win first of 5 Indian VCs in France on October 31.
Eastern Front
Bukovina: Austrians reÂoccupy Czernowitz but Russians retake it on October 28.
Poland: Austrian Battle of Ivangorod (until October 27) as Russian XXV Corps night crosses Vistula until October 23.
Turkey: Enver Pasha sends war intervention plan to German General Staff in Berlin who approve.
African Fronts
South Africa: Colonel Brits routs 600 rebel troops at Keimoes and Kakamas. Til October 26 Maritz is driven into Southwest Africa. Rebel leaders meet at Kopjes in Transvaal.
USA: US, Spanish London and Brussels Ambassadors organize committee for Belgian Relief (1st US food shipment on October 30). US withdraws insistence on London Declaration, but wants international law observed by combatants. $100 million War Revenue Act passed to offset declining import duties.