Diary October 23, 1914

British soldiers with German PoW's at Ypern
British soldiers escort German PoW’s to the rear.
War Diary of World War One for Friday, October 23, 1914:

Western Front

Flanders: French 42nd Division of 7,000 Marne veterans enters line at Nieuport. British recapture Pilkem trenches. Heavy fighting round Langemarck. French IX Corps begins de-training at Ypres, relieves British I Corps until next day after latter inflicts 1,281 casualties on German 45th Reserve Division. Indian Corps 3rd (Lahore) Division assists British II Corps to repulse night attack on Givenchy-Aubers position (night 23/24).

Eastern Front

Poland: Russians (including Guard Corps) advance everywhere.
Galicia: ­Russians retake Jaroslav.

Southern Fronts

Bosnia: Austrian river monitor flagship Ternes mined (laid by 70-man Russian Navy contingent) and sunk in river Sava near Sabac; other monitors have to fit mine detectors in month of much shelling of Belgrade and waterlogged Serb trenches along Sava.


Romania: The government closes frontier to German supplies for Turkey.

African Fronts

South Africa: General De Wet rebels in Orange Free State, seizes Heilbron.

Middle East

Mesopotamia: IEF ‘D’ anchors off Bahrein

Home Fronts

Britain: Churchill to Grey: ‘I am very unhappy about our getting into war with Turkey without.. Greece as an ally’.

Secret War

British Egypt High Commissioner Sir H McMahon (for Kitchener) reaches a secret agreement with Sherif Hussein of Mecca ‘to recognize and support the independence of the Arabs.’

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