Diary October 23, 1944

victims in goldap
The Red Army in East Prussia: raped, mutilated and killed women and girls of every age by the Soviet 11th Guards Army in the reconquered Goldap.
War Diary for Monday, October 23, 1944:

Russian Front

Russians now hold 137-km front in East Prussia.


5th US Army troops capture Monte Salvaro.

Air War

Germany: 955 RAF planes drop 4,538 t. bombs in night October 23-24 on Krupp’s works, Essen; IBs start fires in vast slag heaps, which are still smoldering in late 1940s.

Sea War

Pacific: Japanese cruisers Atago, Maya (sunken) and Takao (disabled) torpedoed by US submarines Dace and Darter, off Palawan (Philippines). Darter runs aground.


Britain, USA and USSR recognize de Gaulle’s administration as Provisional Government of France.

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