Sea War
Atlantic – FIRST DREADÂNOUGHT LOST: British battleship Audacious sunk by mines laid off 26 miles (ca. 42 km) northwest of Irish L Swilly (Tory Island) by German auxiliary ship Berlin (200 laid on October 26, not cleared till July 1915). Liner Olympic vainly tries to tow Audacious. Admiralty attempts to conceal loss, negated by her passenÂgers’ photographs.
Black Sea: Turco-German Fleet sails from Bosphorus, ostensibly on exercise.
Western Front
Flanders: Belgian Army comes under severe pressure from German III Reserve Corps and Marine Division. Haig’s I Corps reÂenters line east of Ypres. Falkenhayn visits Sixth Army HQ forms Army Group Fabeck (6 divisions south of Ypres).
Aisne: Artillery Colonel Nivelle promoted to general.
Secret War
Unknown to Allies until after Armistice, Germans fire c.3,000 shrapnel shells with non-lethal tear gas around Neuve Chapelle.
African Fronts
East Africa: Anglo-Belgian Conference at Kibati.
South Africa: Botha defeats Beyers at Commissie Drift near Rustenburg, he flees to southwest.
USA: US protests to Britain about SS Kroonland detention at Gibraltar (copper cargo seized), also Standard Oil tanker Platuria seizure on October 23.