Diary October 4, 1914

Tsar is visiting his troops
Tsar Nicholas (very front behind the cannon) is visiting his troops.
War Diary of World War One for Sunday, October 4, 1914:

Eastern Front

Tsar arrives at STAVKA, visits Osovyets on October 8.
Poland: ­AUSTRO-GERMAN OFFEN­SIVE TOWARDS WARSAW BEGINS. Austrian First Army takes Opatow, but Guard Cavalry Brigade (Mannerheim) covers Russian infantry recrossing of Vistula at Sandomir.

Western Front

Flanders: Germans advance towards Flanders coast taking Lens, Comines, Poperinghe and Bailleul, bombarding Lille.
Antwerp: 2,082 British Marines (General Paris) arrive by rail from Dunkirk. German 37th Landwehr Brigade attacks Scheidt at two points but Belgian 4th Division holds.

Southern Fronts

Albania: Essad Pasha and his army enters the capital, Senate elect him President on October 5.

African Fronts

Southwest Africa: Colonel Mackenzie’s Mountain Brigade reinforces Lüderitz Bay landing.
East Africa: ­Germans defeat Belgian attack on Kisenyi, Rwanda.

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