Eastern Front
Tsar arrives at STAVKA, visits Osovyets on October 8.
Poland: ÂAUSTRO-GERMAN OFFENÂSIVE TOWARDS WARSAW BEGINS. Austrian First Army takes Opatow, but Guard Cavalry Brigade (Mannerheim) covers Russian infantry recrossing of Vistula at Sandomir.
Western Front
Flanders: Germans advance towards Flanders coast taking Lens, Comines, Poperinghe and Bailleul, bombarding Lille.
Antwerp: 2,082 British Marines (General Paris) arrive by rail from Dunkirk. German 37th Landwehr Brigade attacks Scheidt at two points but Belgian 4th Division holds.
Southern Fronts
Albania: Essad Pasha and his army enters the capital, Senate elect him President on October 5.
African Fronts
Southwest Africa: Colonel Mackenzie’s Mountain Brigade reinforces Lüderitz Bay landing.
East Africa: ÂGermans defeat Belgian attack on Kisenyi, Rwanda.