Eastern Front
Poland: Austro-Germans approach Ivangorod fortress (Schwarz) on river Vistula.
Galicia: Austrians relieve Przemysl.
Western Front
Antwerp: 1,560 men of British 1st Naval Brigade cut off and interned in Holland. Germans occupy inner defenses and force 936 British troops to surrender. Burgomaster signs ceasefire Treaty of Contich at Beseler’s headquarter.
Flanders: 400 French buses (French Army uses nearly 800 Paris buses for duration) take 10,000 British troops of II Corps 22 miles (ca. 35 km) east from Abbeville to St Pol.
France: BEF III Corps entrains at Compiegne for St Omer. BEF Cavalry Corps (Allenby) formed.
Sea War
East Indies: Cruiser HMS Yarmouth sinks or retakes 2 supply ships of Emden at Puio Tapah, West Sumatra.
African Fronts
South Africa: Maritz’s 1,600 men rebel 25 miles (ca. 40 km) west of Upington and hand over 60 loyal troops to Germans at Van Rooisvlei.
Italy: Cabinet crisis, War Minister resigns. Foreign Minister dies on October 16.
Sweden: Defense tax and government control of goods.
Portugal: Government declares neutrality, calls up naval reserves on October 27 and has a military mission in London since October.