Western Front
First Battle of the Aisne: At 0115 hours Joffre cables to army commanders: ‘It seems … the enemy is … going to accept battle, in prepared positions north of the Aisne … it is no longer a question of pursuit, but of methodical attack’. Stalemate continues, Maunoury unable to outflank the German right (west) wing, reinforced by IX Reserve Corps (from Antwerp) with a corps of Conneau’s cavalry as instructed, but maintains pressure on German flank near Noyon until next day.
First German orders to conserve ammo due to low shell stocks. 26,000 railway troops working on captured line, but only 300-400 miles are usable in Belgium.
Eastern Front
East Prussia: Battle of Masurian Lakes ends (since September 18), Russians prepare to resist on Niemen.
BukovinaÂ: Russians occupy capital Czernowitz.
Southern Fronts
Serbia: Serb First Army begins to reinforce Drina sector defenders. Serb Uzice Army crosses Upper Drina at two points into Bosnia with aim of taking Vlasenica.
African Fronts
South Africa: REBELLION BEGINS. Rebels meet at Potchestroom; General de la Rey accidentally shot dead en route. Cmndt-General Beyers resigns, Defense Minister General Smuts succeeds. Lieutenant-Colonel Maritz in action against German Southwest Africa refuses Smuts’ summons to Pretoria, resigns on September 25.
1st Rhodesia Regiment recruiting begins
Lake Victoria: SS Winifred repulsed from Karungu Bay by German Mwanza (equipped with 7-pounder and 2 MGs), finds next day Germans sailed from Mwanza.
Germany: Zimmermann note to US Berlin Ambassador tries to obtain white truce in Africa.
USA: US Advancement of Peace Treaties with France, Britain, Spain and China.
Home Fronts
France: Echo de Paris: ‘The Wing-beat of victory shall carry our armies to the Rhine’.
Paris’ 18 car factories, led by Renault, produce 10,000 shells (63,000 produced in January 1915).
Britain: Churchill holds Admiralty aircraft conference, three companies to build seaplanes.
Germany: ÂKölnische Volkszeitung tells of a Belgian priest, who was machine-gunning Germans in a church.