War Diary of World War One for Saturday, September 26, 1914:
Western Front
Somme: First Battle of Picardy ends. Castelnau halted at line Ribecourt-Roye-ChaulnesÂ-Bray-sur-Somme to await formation of new Tenth Army on his left. German XIV Corps takes Bapaume.
British Indian Expeditionary Force begins landing at Marseilles.
Belgium: GERMAN SIEGE OF ANTWERP BEGINS (until October 10). Malines shelled by German guns. Belgians halt German push 2 miles (3.22 km) southwest of Dendermonde and Scheldt.
Aisne: Churchill visits Sir J French. BEF 1st Division in action at Chivy.
Meuse: French repulse attempted German crossing of Meuse at St Mihiel.
Eastern Front
East Prussia Frontier: Battle of the Niemen until September 28, vain German crossing attempts against Russian Tenth Army and vain German assaults on Osovyets till both broken off on September 29.
Galicia: ÂRussians occupy Rzeszov on river Wistock but Austrians re-form front east of river Dunajec, 50 miles (ca. 80 km) from Cracow.
African Fronts
Southwest Africa: South African troops defeat at Sandfontein: 330 South Africans with 2 guns surrender to 2,000 Germans with 10 guns; 24 miles (ca. 39 km) inside the German colony.
USA: US State Department protest against blockade withheld at Colonel House‘s suggestion.
Norway: 11 ships sunk on Archangel route until October 4.
Occupied Countries
Belgium: ÂGermans arrest the Mayor of Brussels and bringing him to a Silesian fortress on October 12.