Diary September 26, 1914

German Schutztruppe beats South African cavalry charge
The German ‘Schutztruppe’ (Colonial forces) from Southwest Africa fends off an attack of South African cavalry at Sandfontain.

War Diary of World War One for Saturday, September 26, 1914:

Western Front

Somme: First Battle of Picardy ends. Castelnau halted at line Ribecourt-Roye-Chaulnes­-Bray-sur-Somme to await formation of new Tenth Army on his left. German XIV Corps takes Bapaume.
British Indian Expeditionary Force begins landing at Marseilles.
Belgium: GERMAN SIEGE OF ANTWERP BEGINS (until October 10). Malines shelled by German guns. Belgians halt German push 2 miles (3.22 km) southwest of Dendermonde and Scheldt.
Aisne: Churchill visits Sir J French. BEF 1st Division in action at Chivy.
Meuse: French repulse attempted German crossing of Meuse at St Mihiel.

Eastern Front

East Prussia Frontier: Battle of the Niemen until September 28, vain German crossing attempts against Russian Tenth Army and vain German assaults on Osovyets till both broken off on September 29.
Galicia: ­Russians occupy Rzeszov on river Wistock but Austrians re-form front east of river Dunajec, 50 miles (ca. 80 km) from Cracow.

African Fronts

Southwest Africa: South African troops defeat at Sandfontein: 330 South Africans with 2 guns surrender to 2,000 Germans with 10 guns; 24 miles (ca. 39 km) inside the German colony.


USA: US State Department protest against blockade withheld at Colonel House‘s suggestion.


Norway: 11 ships sunk on Archangel route until October 4.

Occupied Countries

Belgium: ­Germans arrest the Mayor of Brussels and bringing him to a Silesian fortress on October 12.

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