Diary September 30, 1939

French tanks autumn 1939
French tanks forward of the Maginot Line.
WW2 War Diary for Saturday, September 30, 1939:


Polish Government-in-Exile and ‘Cabinet of National Unity’ formed in Paris under Raczkiewicz (President) and General Sikorski (Prime Minister and Minister of War).

Western Front

French forces begin stealthy retreat (night September 30 to October 1) from German territory occupied during Saar ‘Offensive’ (withdrawal completed October 4).

Air War

15 Me 109 destroy a flight of five RAF Fairey Battles over the Saar.

Sea War

Atlantic:Pocket-battleshipAdmiral Graf Spee sinks SS Clement in South Atlantic, capturing the crew.
Merchant shipping losses in September 1939: 53 Allied ships with 194,845 tons in Atlantic.
2 U-boats sunk in the Atlantic, Arctic or Baltic.

Conflict of Nations - World War III

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