Diary September 4, 1914

Assault in the Argonne Forest during the Battle of the Grasnde Couronne.
Assault in the Argonne Forest during the Battle of the Grande Couronne.
War Diary of World War One for Friday, September 4, 1914:

Western Front

France: Gallieni begins to reinforce Maunoury northeast of Paris. Joffre, convinced by Gallieni telephone call, issues orders at 2200 hours for counter­offensive on September 6 ‘to profit by the adventurous position of the First German Army.
BEF receives 20,000 replacements until next day. Foch orders civilian refugees off roads till 1500 hours.
Kluck‘s nearest rail head, St Quentin, 85 miles (ca. 137 km) from front line, Hausen’s same distance, and Bülow’s 105 miles (ca. 169 km). Kluck and Hausen report their units close to physical collapse.
BATTLE OF THE GRANDE COURONNE (Nancy) rages with record German shelling until September 11 in Kaiser’s presence: Castelnau and Dubail repulse furious German assaults until September 7 on Grande Couronne by Rupprecht (coordinator of German Sixth and Seventh Armies).

Eastern Front

Poland: Goltz’s 2 1/2 German divisions from East Prussia seize Mlawa.

Southern Fronts

Serbia: Serbian 2nd Sumaja Division storms Goles Height southeast of Visegrad.

Sea War

Cameroons: Cruiser HMS Cumberland lands party at Victoria. Nigerian flotilla (8 ships) joins on September 6.


Albania: Prince William leaves, International Commission of Control takes over at Durazzo.


Turkey: Turkish Ambassador in France warns Constantinople (and on September 28 again) that ‘Germany is isolated and doomed to defeat’.
Germany: The government agrees to London Declaration if other belligerents do; issues contraband list.

Home Fronts

Britain: Asquith guildhalls banquet speech justifies Britain’s entry into war.
London pub closing 11pm instead of 1230 hours.

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