Diary September 7, 1914

With the taxi to the front
With the taxi to the front: the exit of 6,000 soldiers with the cars of the Paris carriers is a celebrated event.
War Diary of World War One for Monday, September 7, 1914:

Western Front

Marne: Maunoury in great peril; Gallieni sends 6,000 reserves (brigade of 7th Division) and rushes them in 600 Paris motor taxicabs (‘Taxis of the Marne’) 18 1/2 miles to the Ourcq (night 7-8) with others by road and railway.
BEF’s advance, delayed by Kluck’s armored car screen and picked detachments, now reaches river Petit Morin in the ‘gap’. D’Esperey pushes back Bülow’s right wing for 6 miles (ca. 10 km). Moltke to his wife: ‘This day is the decisive day’.
France­: Fall of Maubeuge with 40,000 PoWs and 377 guns (14 forts) just as German shells almost exhausted.

Eastern Front

East Prussia: Francois with 40 battalions and 200 guns routs 16 Russian battalions and 30 guns (XXII Finnish Corps) from Biala area until September 11.
Galicia: Battle of Tarnarka (­until September 9), Dankl beaten. He orders retreat to river San on September 9. Reformed Russian Fifth Army resumes advance. Russian cavalry reaches Carpathians.

Southern Fronts

Serbia: Second Austrian offensive (night 7-8) along river Drina with 4 corps, only gains northern bridgehead at Parasbnitsa in Sava loop for 4,000 casualties from Fifth Army.
Hungary: Serbian Cavalry Division up to 13 miles (ca. 21 km) north of Kupinovo bridgehead.

Sea War

Pacific: Spee arrives at Christmas Island: his detached cruiser Nürnberg cuts Pacific cable between Banfield and Fanning Island.

Home Fronts

Japan: Diet votes $26.5 million war credit.
Canada: Shell committee first meets: 32,449 troops parade at Valcartier Camp.

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