Western Front
First full-scale German gas trial behind lines, mildly gases the scientists responsible.
Argonne: German attack at Bagatelle.
Eastern Front
Bukovina: No Austrian troops more in Russia after raiding 1 mile (1.61 km) inside. More fighting on April 4, Russians evacuate Bojan until April 14.
Sea War
North Sea: U10 sinks 3 British mine sweeping trawlers (226 minesweepers in home waters including 12 new and more effective converted paddle steamers). German surface mine layer lays 360 mines off Humber sinkÂing 9 steamers and minesweepÂers, but 127 mines swept in May and cleared by mid-July.
USA: US note to Britain on blockade treatment of neutrals.
Austria: Government offers Italy Trentino concesÂsions.