Western Front
Verdun: French abandon Brabant-sur-Meuse; counterÂattack without success south of Caures wood and at Wavrille. By end of day Germans also occupy Herbebuis and Wavrille, have advanced just over 2 miles and taken 3,000 PoWs since February 21.
Middle East
Armenia: Russians take Ispir in slow fighting advance on Bayburt.
Sea War
Britain: ‘Minister of Blockade’ (Lord Robert Cecil) appointed.
Germany: Kaiser visits Wilhelmshaven and approves Scheer’s new strategy.
Portugal: Troops seizes 76 German steamers (240,000t) interned in Tagus at British request. German note on February 29.
Home Fronts
Germany: Kaiser visits Wilhelmshaven.
Britain: Â’Blockade Ministry’ created. Commons peace debate.