Eastern Front
Conrad urges Burian to keep separate peace with Russia in view (and on August 6) but no Russian interest.
Poland: Woyrsch besieges Ivangorod (until August 5) and crosses Vistula to north on July 28. 192 Terek Cossack’s rout German infantry regiment in moonlight charge.
Middle East
Gallipoli: NZ Sergeant Pilling diary ‘We…will be satisfied if we do our work and get back home alive’.
Aden: 28th Indian Brigade (arrived on July 18) retakes Sheikh Othmalll wells 7 miles (ca. 11 km) northwest and fortifies it. Major-General Younghusband replaces sacked Political Resident.
USA: 3rd Wilson Lusitania note almost an ultimatum.
Home Fronts
Turkey: 4,000 Armenians near Antioch repulse Turk troops.
BritainÂ: 843,000 married recruits now drawing separation allowances.