Occupied Territories
Russia: Alfred Rosenberg, author of the Nazi ‘bible’, ‘The Myth of the Twentieth Century‘, appointed Minister for Occupied Eastern Territories.
North Africa
The Keyes Raid: British commandos, led by Lieutenant-Colonel Keyes, Victoria Cross, attack Rommel’s headquarter at Beda Littoria, west of Tobruk at night November 17-18. But Rommel is at Gazala; Keyes killed; only two commandos escape.
Home Fronts
Germany: Colonel-General Ernst Udet, Director-General of Luftwaffe Equipment and World War One fighter ace, commits suicide in despair at ever-increasing losses in Russia and the failure of his bomber development programme, aged 45. Goering conceals true facts of his death, and announces that Udet has been killed testing a new warplane. Field Marshal Milch takes over.