Diary October 19, 1914

Russian armoured cars
Russian armored cars: foreground a French-built Peugeot, background an Belgian Mors.
War Diary of World War One for Monday, October 19, 1914:

Western Front

FIRST BATTLE OF YPRES begins until November 22. British and French join British 7th Division as German pressure is maintained. Battle rages from the Channel to Ypres and Armen­tieres (4 divisions attack to south). Indian Expeditionary Corps (IEF ‘A’, Willcocks) reaches the front.

Eastern Front

Poland: Germans cross Vistula at Josefor. First Russian armored car unit formed, assigned to Southwest Front.

Southern Fronts

Montenegro: 6 French naval guns, landed to support Montenegrins, begin shelling Austrian Cattaro, naval base defenses (garrison 10,000 men) from Mt Lov’cen; Ft Verma’c damaged.

African Fronts

Cameroons: Nigerians at Kake (29 casualties) repel 350 Germans (50 casualties).
South Africa­: 150 troops rebel at Lichten­berg, Beyers leaves Pretoria.
Portuguese Angola: 3 Germans killed at Naulila in misunderstanding.

Air War

Germany: Major W Siegert, well-known prewar bailoonist, appointed to advise OHL on military aviation. He quickly organizes an elite HQ flying corps (Fliegerkorps der Obersten Heeresleitung) of 36 aircraft at Ghistelles 11 miles (ca. 18 km) southwest of Bruges.


Haiti: US Marines land in Haiti.

Home Fronts

Britain: New naval decoration DSM founded. Churchill urges Kitchener to study invasion threat in detail, in Cabinet defends Royal Navy measures against an invasion. London pub closing now 10pm.

Conflict of Nations - World War III

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