
Strength, Organization, Orders of Battle, Weapons, Equipment of WW2 Armies.

A description of the strength, organization, orders of battle, weapons and equipment of the armies and armed forces of the involved nations for different periods of WW2.

Soldiers of the Slovak Mobile Division on the Eastern Front
Slovak Armed Forces in the Second World War: organization of the Army and divisions and Air Force in the Polish Read more
Spanish soldiers of the Blue Division on the Eastern Front.
Axis Eastern Front allies: Spanish 'Blue' division and Volunteer Air Force, Croatian Army and Air Force, pro-Axis Serbian troops. Spain Read more
Turkmen volunteers i
Strength and Organization of the Wehrmacht volunteers (Hiwis, legionnaires), Cossack and Liberation Army (ROA) Russia. Russian volunteers with the German Read more
Decoration of Baltic soldiers and auxiliaries in German service.
Baltic volunteers with the German Army in the Second World War. Service of inhabitants of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania in Read more
Soldiers Belgian Army, 1940
The strength and organization of the divisions of the Belgian Army, the planes of the Air Force and its small Read more
Tsar Boris III from Bulgaria
Bulgarian Armed Forces in the Second World War. Organization and divisions of the army, tank strength, air force and planes, Read more
Chiang Kai-sheks's German-trained and equipped Chinese soldiers.
Chinese Nationalist Army 1937-1941. The seizure of Mukden on 19 September 1931 marked the beginning of overt Japanese aggression against Read more
Pilots of the Chinese Flying Tigers are running to their planes.
National-Chinese Air Force with Flying Tigers and Fleet and Communist Forces in the Second World War. During the 1930s, the Read more
crew of a Danish anti-aircraft gun
Strength and organization of the Army, Air Force and Navy of Denmark in April 1940 and their fate during the Read more
Vickers heavy MG about to open fire with the 1th South African Division of the Eight Army.
Strength and Organization of the Armies of the British Empire in the Middle East (including Battles of Alamein) and Europe Read more
Home Guard at coast
British Army, Home Guard and Canadian troops in Western Europe and Britain in 1940. Strength and organization. For the first Read more
Exercise of light Vickers Mark IIA tanks
Strength and organization of British and Empire Armies in the Mediterranean Theater when Italy declared war in 1940. The Mediterranean Read more
Troops of the 13/18th Royal Hussars
The British Army and Empire Armies at the outbreak of the Second World War in September 1939 with organization, divisions, Read more
Polish soldiers at a pre-war torchlit review.
Strength, organization, equipment and deployment of the army divisions, tank inventory, Air Force and Navy of Poland in September 1939. Read more
German Panzer Division after the first border fights in Poland
Orders of Battle, strength of the Army divisions and tank inventory of the Wehrmacht at time of campaign in Poland. Read more
French soldiers moving a heavy artillery gun
Strength, organization, equipment and divisions of the French Army and aircraft of the l'Army de l'Air in September 1939. France Read more
Czech soldier on exercise in Britain
Czechoslovak Exil Forces 1939 to 1945 during the Second World War. History, strength, organization and air force. Before 1938, the Read more
Polish troops march through an English town during the summer of 1940
The Polish Armed Forces in Exile, 1939-1945. Army units and equipment in France and Britain 1940, Air Force and Navy. Read more
Japanese soldiers crossing a pontoon bridge in China
Strength and organization of the Imperial Army and Air Force 1939 and 1940, before the Japanese entry in the Second Read more
Himmler and Hitler walking in front of a SS honour guard company.
The Waffen-SS - origin, formation, war crimes, combat performance and strength of Hitler's elite fighters of the Third Reich 1933 Read more

German military parade
Adolf Hitler at a military parade for the reintroduction of the military service.
On 1 September 1939 the armed forces of Nazi Germany began WW2 by invading Poland. With the notable exception of the German Wehrmacht, the organization and many weapons of the armed forces which fought the early campaigns was dominated by the memories of World War I and this was also the case in the design of uniforms. Not before the end of WW2, organization, uniform, equipment and weapons had often acquired a very modern look, as we knew it until today.

WW2 Weapons
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